is this still happening? Hell yes!!!!
it's been a month...and then another one...i didn't manage to come and write, express, free up my ideas - i simply did not have time...I look back and i wonder what happened in the meantime:
- i talked with my manager about my crazy ideas, her jaw dropped
- we went to Portugal for a little over a week, i cried and smiled in healthy portions
- we told my family that we are getting married, they were super happy
- we told my family that we are travelling the world, they got confused
- we did some serious travelling, more than +2k km
- i got to know the extra costs to keep an unpaid leave
- i decided i will resign and not request unpaid leave, my manager got for the second time a jaw drop
- i packed all our crap and went to a flea market, did 150eur in 1 long, super long day
- our friends moved in our house
- i agreed with my manager that m y last day at Nike will be on 12/12, she doesn't get jaw dropped face anymore but i still get nervous whenever i talk about it.

- we sold our car
- we bought our tickets to Portugal with return flight to the 1st of February 2015
- we sent stuff to Portugal and the stuff arrived safe & sound
- we BOUGHT our first 6 months of flight tickets, my jaw dropped of excitement after so long to get this one done...
- My manager announced it today, and i blushed because of the freedom feeling i never ever felt before.
This is another big day in the road to making THIS happen...