A circle

The voice outside announces the beginning of our next journey. I just jump on the window! Head out, wind blowing slowly in my face, it's almost sunset and the train's noise tele-transports me to an old movie. Behind us, in between some waving hands and smiles from the people waiting to cross the train rails, is Chiang Mai. Even further, the slow boat from Luang Prabang.

The scenery is quite inspiring - almost clear sky, small rice fields, people returning back home after another working day, some backyard gardens full of nice herbs, teak tree's plantation, some odd smells once in a while (hmmmm maybe not that inspiring, blah!), the sun behind the mountain. I feel like a little kid, as old as the one that is hysterical waving at every single person outside, on the window next to mine. 

How happy and grateful I feel, we have been traveling nearly 2 months and I can't stop thinking how lucky we are. I can't say everything is easy, chill or even natural to the 2 of us - we do mistakes all the time, we learn each time; we get to silly arguments often, we say sorry each time; we get ripped off, we pray for nice people to get closer and the bad to go away.

Day light is over for us and I keep on smiling.

With the dark the train seats become the lower beds, the partial train's selling becomes the upper beds. The train becomes a long corridor shaped by curtains, protecting each bed that are just small bedbunks. 
Mine smells like rain. I can see the lightning through the same window I was earlier smiling. The heavy rain got in my bed through the open window so my sheets are slightly wet. The fresh feels right even though is still so humid.

We are about to close the circle that started our adventure - Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and then again Thailand. We move soon to Philippines and then to South Korea.

The train gets to Bangkok with the sunrise but from the city's ring to the center takes us more than 2h. The sun is strong, it feels as humid and sweaty as I remembered. Busy, noisy, full of beautiful people. We both desperately need a shower, an ACed room and a soft bed to rest.

Bangkok threats us well and we continue our journey, backpack on, into the next stop.


  1. O philosophy of lightness!
    "we do mistakes all the time, we learn each time; we get to silly arguments often, we say sorry each time; we get ripped off, we pray for nice people to get closer and the bad to go away"
    Send more of that on us back here ^__^

  2. Adoro! Muito grata por estarem aí (a sentir-se contagiada]
